aqmbc Config File

aqmbc can also be run from a command line using a configuration file. This section shows how to use aqmbc with GEOS-Chem and a config file. There are several prerequisites for this example:

  • aqmbc must be installed

  • GEOS-Chem version 14.0.1 simulation with simple organic aerosols (SOAS).

  • BoundaryConditions extension enabled in HISTORY.rc with:

    • SpeciesBC_?ADV? ‘,

    • ‘Met_PMIDDRY’

    • ‘Met_T’

Step 1: Create Run Directory

Create a run directory. aqmbc has a template option, which will export all its examples to a template run directory. You can then pick and choose which files to use. Below shows a template being created.

python -m aqmbc -t run

After the folder was created, below is the directory structure where only the files used are highlighted.

tree --charset=ASCII run
|-- definitions
|   |-- cf      # GEOS-CF definitions not used here
|   |-- gc
|   |   |   ...
|   |   |-- gcnc_usstd_airmolden.expr
|   |   |-- gc14_to_cb6r5.expr
|   |   |-- gc14_to_cb6mp.expr
|   |   `-- gc14_soas_to_ae7.expr
|   `-- raqms   # RAQMS definitions not used here
|-- gcncv14.cfg # GEOS-Chem v14 configuration
|-- hcmaq.cfg   # Hemispheric-CMAQ Configuration file
|-- raqms.cfg   # RAQMS model configuration file.
`-- GRIDDESC    # IOAPI grid description file

Step 2: Edit

Edit the configuration files to suite your application. Common examples:

  1. Edit gcncv14.cfg to update the paths to your GEOS-Chem BoundaryConditions.

  2. Edit gcncv14.cfg to use the domain of interest (12US1, 36US3, etc)

  3. Edit gcncv14.cfg to output more days

  4. Add a new domain to GRIDDESC for your CMAQ grid definition.

  5. Edit definitions/gc to match your application.

If you used a different version of GEOS-Chem, there are two paths forward.

  1. See if definitions for that version already exists.

  2. Make definitions for your version. (if you do, please open an issue; and submit them).

Step 3: Run

python -m aqmbc gcncv14.cfg

Alternative Configurations

Similar example configurations are provided for Hemispheric-CMAQ (hcmaq.cfg) and RAQMS (raqms.cfg).

  • hcmaq.cfg is designed to work with 3D “CONC” files with all the species included from a larger domain.

  • raqms.cfg is designed to work with the files provided by Brad Pierce at the University of Wisconsin.