aqmbc User’s Guide

aqmbc is a python tool to make boundary conditions for CMAQ.

The key value of aqmbc is to provide a single interface to multiple models. This makes maintaining a system easy to acheive and hopefully easy to use.

Currently, aqmbc supports:

  • GEOS-Chem v12 and v14

  • CMAQ (Hemispheric or Regional)



To do:

  • aqmbc would like to support WACCM, AM4, and CAMS

  • A future version will allow for explicit output of CAMx readable boundary conditions. For now, use the cmaq2camx tools to convert these files.

Getting Started

The best way to get started is to install (see below) and then explore the aqmbc Examples. The examples include data download, processing, and create summaries of the data (figures and tables).


Right now, you can get the latest version of aqmbc with this command.

pip install git+


If you’re having any problems, open an issue on github.