Source code for pyrsig.utils

__all__ = [
    'get_proj4', 'customize_grid', 'def_grid_kw', 'shared_grid_kw',
    'coverages_from_xml', 'legacy_get', 'get_file'
import requests

def_grid_kw = {
    '12US1': dict(
        GDNAM='12US1', GDTYP=2, NCOLS=459, NROWS=299,
        XORIG=-2556000.0, YORIG=-1728000.0, XCELL=12000., YCELL=12000.,
        P_ALP=33., P_BET=45., P_GAM=-97., XCENT=-97., YCENT=40.
    '4US1': dict(
        GDNAM='4US1', GDTYP=2, NCOLS=459 * 3, NROWS=299 * 3,
        XORIG=-2556000.0, YORIG=-1728000.0, XCELL=4000., YCELL=4000.,
        P_ALP=33., P_BET=45., P_GAM=-97., XCENT=-97., YCENT=40.
    '1US1': dict(
        GDNAM='1US1', GDTYP=2, NCOLS=459 * 12, NROWS=299 * 12,
        XORIG=-2556000.0, YORIG=-1728000.0, XCELL=1000., YCELL=1000.,
        P_ALP=33., P_BET=45., P_GAM=-97., XCENT=-97., YCENT=40.
    '12US2': dict(
        GDNAM='12US2', GDTYP=2, NCOLS=396, NROWS=246,
        XORIG=-2412000.0, YORIG=-1620000.0, XCELL=12000., YCELL=12000.,
        P_ALP=33., P_BET=45., P_GAM=-97., XCENT=-97., YCENT=40.
    '4US2': dict(
        GDNAM='4US2', GDTYP=2, NCOLS=396 * 3, NROWS=246 * 3,
        XORIG=-2412000.0, YORIG=-1620000.0, XCELL=4000., YCELL=4000.,
        P_ALP=33., P_BET=45., P_GAM=-97., XCENT=-97., YCENT=40.
    '1US2': dict(
        GDNAM='1US2', GDTYP=2, NCOLS=396 * 12, NROWS=246 * 12,
        XORIG=-2412000.0, YORIG=-1620000.0, XCELL=1000., YCELL=1000.,
        P_ALP=33., P_BET=45., P_GAM=-97., XCENT=-97., YCENT=40.
    '36US3': dict(
        GDNAM='36US3', GDTYP=2, NCOLS=172, NROWS=148,
        XORIG=-2952000.0, YORIG=-2772000.0, XCELL=36000., YCELL=36000.,
        P_ALP=33., P_BET=45., P_GAM=-97., XCENT=-97., YCENT=40.
    '108NHEMI2': dict(
        GDNAM='108NHEMI2', GDTYP=6, NCOLS=187, NROWS=187,
        XORIG=-10098000.0, YORIG=-10098000.0, XCELL=108000., YCELL=108000.,
        P_ALP=1., P_BET=45., P_GAM=-98., XCENT=-98., YCENT=90.
    '36NHEMI2': dict(
        GDNAM='36NHEMI2', GDTYP=6, NCOLS=187 * 3, NROWS=187 * 3,
        XORIG=-10098000.0, YORIG=-10098000.0, XCELL=36000., YCELL=36000.,
        P_ALP=1., P_BET=45., P_GAM=-98., XCENT=-98., YCENT=90.
    'NORTHSOUTHAM': dict(
        XORIG=251759.25, YORIG=-1578187., XCELL=27000., YCELL=27000.,
        P_ALP=0., P_BET=0., P_GAM=-98., XCENT=-98., YCENT=0.
    'global_1pt0': dict(
        GDNAM='GLOBAL', GDTYP=1, NCOLS=360, NROWS=180,
        XORIG=-180, YORIG=-90, XCELL=1., YCELL=1.,
        P_ALP=0., P_BET=0., P_GAM=0., XCENT=0., YCENT=0.
    'global_0pt1': dict(
        GDNAM='GLOBAL', GDTYP=1, NCOLS=3600, NROWS=1800,
        XORIG=-180, YORIG=-90, XCELL=0.1, YCELL=0.1,
        P_ALP=0., P_BET=0., P_GAM=0., XCENT=0., YCENT=0.

shared_grid_kw = dict(
    VGTYP=7, VGTOP=5000., NLAYS=35, earth_radius=6370000., g=9.81, R=287.04,
    A=50., T0=290, P0=1000e2, REGRID_AGGREGATE='None'

for key in def_grid_kw:
    for pk, pv in shared_grid_kw.items():
        def_grid_kw[key].setdefault(pk, pv)

[docs]def get_proj4(attrs, earth_radius=6370000.): """ Create a proj4 formatted grid definition using IOAPI attrs and earth_radius Arguments --------- attrs : dict-like Mappable of IOAPI properties that supports the items method earth_radius : float Assumed radius of the earth. 6370000 is the WRF default. Returns ------- projstr : str proj4 formatted string such that the domain southwest corner starts at (0, 0) and ends at (NCOLS, NROWS) """ props = {k: v for k, v in attrs.items()} props['x_0'] = -props['XORIG'] props['y_0'] = -props['YORIG'] props.setdefault('earth_radius', earth_radius) if props['GDTYP'] == 1: projstr = '+proj=lonlat +R={earth_radius}'.format(**props) elif props['GDTYP'] == 2: projstr = ( '+proj=lcc +lat_1={P_ALP} +lat_2={P_BET} +lat_0={YCENT}' ' +lon_0={XCENT} +R={earth_radius} +x_0={x_0} +y_0={y_0}' ' +to_meter={XCELL} +no_defs' ).format(**props) elif props['GDTYP'] == 6: projstr = ( '+proj=stere +lat_0={lat_0} +lat_ts={P_BET} +lon_0={XCENT}' + ' +x_0={x_0} +y_0={y_0} +R={earth_radius} +to_meter={XCELL}' + ' +no_defs' ).format(lat_0=props['P_ALP'] * 90, **props) elif props['GDTYP'] == 7: projstr = ( '+proj=merc +R={earth_radius} +lat_ts=0 +lon_0={XCENT}' + ' +x_0={x_0} +y_0={y_0} +to_meter={XCELL}' + ' +no_defs' ).format(**props) else: raise ValueError('GDTYPE {GDTYP} not implemented'.format(**props)) return projstr
[docs]def customize_grid(grid_kw, bbox, clip=True): """ Redefine grid_kw to cover bbox by removing extra rows and columns and redefining XORIG, YORIG, NCOLS and NROWS. Arguments --------- grid_kw : dict or str If str, must be a known grid in default grids. If dict, must include all IOAPI grid metadata properties bbox : tuple wlon, slat, elon, nlat in decimal degrees (-180 to 180) clip : bool If True, limit grid to original grid bounds Returns ------- ogrid_kw : dict IOAPI grid metadata properties with XORIG/YORIG and NCOLS/NROWS adjusted such that it only covers bbox or (if clip) only covers the portion of bbox covered by the original grid_kw. """ import pyproj import numpy as np if isinstance(grid_kw, str): grid_kw = def_grid_kw[grid_kw] ogrid_kw = {k: v for k, v in grid_kw.items()} # Lonlat box must be treated separately if ogrid_kw['GDTYP'] == 1: llx, lly = bbox[:2] urx, ury = bbox[2:] ncols = int(np.ceil((urx - llx) / ogrid_kw['XCELL']) + 4) nrows = int(np.ceil((ury - lly) / ogrid_kw['YCELL']) + 4) xorig = (int(llx / ogrid_kw['XCELL']) - 1) * ogrid_kw['XCELL'] yorig = (int(lly / ogrid_kw['YCELL']) - 1) * ogrid_kw['YCELL'] ogrid_kw['NCOLS'] = ncols ogrid_kw['NROWS'] = nrows ogrid_kw['XORIG'] = xorig ogrid_kw['YORIG'] = yorig return ogrid_kw proj4str = get_proj4(grid_kw) proj = pyproj.Proj(proj4str) llx, lly = proj(*bbox[:2]) urx, ury = proj(*bbox[2:]) midx, midy = proj((bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2, (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2) maxy = np.max([lly, ury, midy]) miny = np.min([lly, ury, midy]) maxx = np.max([llx, urx, midx]) minx = np.min([llx, urx, midx]) lli, llj = np.floor([minx, miny]).astype('i') uri, urj = np.ceil([maxx, maxy]).astype('i') if clip: lli, llj = np.maximum(0, [lli, llj]) uri = np.minimum(grid_kw['NCOLS'], uri) urj = np.minimum(grid_kw['NROWS'], urj) ogrid_kw['XORIG'] = grid_kw['XORIG'] + lli * grid_kw['XCELL'] ogrid_kw['YORIG'] = grid_kw['YORIG'] + llj * grid_kw['YCELL'] ogrid_kw['NCOLS'] = uri - lli ogrid_kw['NROWS'] = urj - llj return ogrid_kw
def quickstats(df, refkey='obs'): """ Simple utility to calculate quantiles, mean, correlation, bias statistics, and Index of Agreement. All statistics have the input data units except for nmb, fmb, correlation, and ioa -- all those are unitless. Arguments --------- df : pandas.DataFrame Must contain at least refkey as a column. All other columns will be treated as estimates. refkey : str Key to be used as the reference (or truth or observation) value. Returns ------- statdf : pandas.DataFrame Contains results where each statistic is a row and columns are refkey and all the estimates Note: For nmb or fmb in percent, multiply by 100. """ statsdf = df.describe() statsdf.loc['r'] = df.corr().loc[refkey] meands = statsdf.loc['mean'] # Mean Bias [ppb] # same as ozone and CMAQ_O3 statsdf.loc['mb'] = meands - meands[refkey] # Normalized Mean Bias [1] statsdf.loc['nmb'] = statsdf.loc['mb'] / meands[refkey] # Fractional Mean Bias [1] statsdf.loc['fmb'] = 2 * statsdf.loc['mb'] / meands.sum() # IOA [1] bias = df.subtract(df[refkey], axis=0) sqerr = bias**2 apdev = df.subtract(meands[refkey]).abs() statsdf.loc['ioa'] = ( 1 - sqerr.sum() / (apdev.add(apdev[refkey], axis=0)**2).sum() ) return statsdf def parsexml(root): """Recursive xml parsing: Given a root, return dictionaries for each element and its children. Each element has children, attributes (attr), tag, and text. If any of these has no elements, it will be removed. """ out = {} out['tag'] = root.tag.split('}')[-1] out['attr'] = root.attrib out['text'] = root.text out['children'] = [] for child in root: childd = parsexml(child) out['children'].append(childd) if len(out['children']) == 0: del out['children'] if out['text'] is None: out['text'] = '' out['text'] = out['text'].strip() if len(out['text']) == 0: del out['text'] if len(out['attr']) == 0: del out['attr'] return out
[docs]def coverages_from_xml(txt): """Based on xml text, create coverage data""" import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET root = ET.fromstring(txt) xmlout = parsexml(root) out = [] for c in xmlout['children']: record = {k: v for k, v in c.items() if k != 'children'} kids = c['children'] for e in kids: if 'attr' not in e and len(e.get('children', [])) == 0: record[e['tag']] = e.get('text', '') if e['tag'] == 'lonLatEnvelope': envtxt = '' for p in e['children']: envtxt += ' ' + p['text'] record['bbox_str'] = envtxt.strip() if e['tag'] == 'domainSet': for s in e['children']: if s['tag'] == 'temporalDomain': for tp in s['children']: for te in tp['children']: record[te['tag']] = te['text'] out.append(record) return out
[docs]def legacy_get(url, *args, **kwds): import copy session = requests.session() la = LegacyAdapter() # Maple has a bad certificate, so here if you are using maple # I disable the certificate, but no the warning if 'maple' in url: la.ssl_context.check_hostname = False kwds = copy.copy(kwds) kwds.setdefault('verify', False) session.mount('https://', la) return session.get(url, *args, **kwds)
def _create_unverified_tls_context(*args, **kwds): """ Thin wrapper around ssl._create_unverified_context that adds the option to use TLS negotiation, which is currently used by RSIG servers. """ import ssl # Set up SSL context to allow legacy TLS versions ctx = ssl._create_unverified_context(*args, **kwds) ctx.options |= 0x4 # OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT return ctx class LegacyAdapter(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter): # "Transport adapter" that allows us to use custom ssl_context. def __init__(self, **kwargs): import ssl def_ctx = ssl._create_default_https_context ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_tls_context ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH) ctx.options |= 0x4 # OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT self.ssl_context = ctx ssl._create_default_https_context = def_ctx super().__init__(**kwargs) def init_poolmanager(self, connections, maxsize, block=False): import urllib3 self.poolmanager = urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager( num_pools=connections, maxsize=maxsize, block=block, ssl_context=self.ssl_context) def _progress(blocknum, readsize, totalsize): """ Display progress using dots or % indicator. Arguments --------- blocknum : int block number of blocks to be read readsize : int chunksize read totalsize : int -1 unknown or size of file """ totalblocks = (totalsize // readsize) + 1 pblocks = totalblocks // 10 if pblocks <= 0: pblocks = 100 if totalsize > 0: print( '\r' + 'Retrieving {:.0f}'.format(readsize/totalsize*100), end='', flush=True ) else: if blocknum == 0: print('Retrieving .', end='', flush=True) if (blocknum % pblocks) == 0: print('.', end='', flush=True)
[docs]def get_file(url, outpath, maxtries=5, verbose=1, overwrite=False): """ Download file from RSIG using fault tolerance and optional caching when overwrite is False. Arguments --------- url : str path to retrieve outpath : str path to save file to maxtries : int try this many times before quitting verbose : int Level of verbosity overwrite : bool If True, overwrite existing files. If False, reuse existing files. Returns ------- None """ import time from urllib.request import urlretrieve import ssl import os from .utils import _create_unverified_tls_context # If the file exists, get the current size if not overwrite and os.path.exists(outpath): stat = os.stat(outpath) dlsize = stat.st_size else: dlsize = 0 # if the size is non-zero, assume it is good if dlsize > 0 and verbose >= 0: print('Using cached:', outpath) return _def_https_context = ssl._create_default_https_context ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_tls_context # Try to download the file maxtries times tries = 0 if verbose > 0: reporthook = _progress else: reporthook = None while dlsize <= 0 and tries < maxtries: # Remove 0-sized files. outdir = os.path.dirname(outpath) if os.path.exists(outpath): os.remove(outpath) os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) if verbose > 0: print('Calling RSIG', outpath, '') t0 = time.time() urlretrieve( url=url, filename=outpath, reporthook=reporthook, ) # Check timing t1 = time.time() stat = os.stat(outpath) dlsize = stat.st_size if dlsize == 0: print('Failed', url, t1 - t0) tries += 1 if verbose > 0: print('') ssl._create_default_https_context = _def_https_context
def grid2poly(gdattrs): """ Arguments --------- gdattrs : dict Attributes of IOAPI grid """ import numpy as np from shapely import polygons import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd # gdattrs = pyrsig.utils.def_grid_kw['12US1'] proj4 = get_proj4(gdattrs) # Calculate x/y centers y = np.arange(gdattrs['NROWS']) + 0.5 x = np.arange(gdattrs['NCOLS']) + 0.5 # Create a center for each cell xy = np.stack(np.meshgrid(x, y), axis=2).reshape(-1, 2) # Calculate offsets from center for the ll, lr, ur, ul dll = np.array([-0.5, -0.5]) dlr = np.array([0.5, -0.5]) dur = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) dul = np.array([-0.5, 0.5]) # Create corners at points for polygons crnr = np.stack([xy + dll, xy + dlr, xy + dur, xy + dul], axis=1) # Calculate grid polygons qgeom = polygons(crnr) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(xy.T, names=['COL', 'ROW']) qdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({}, geometry=qgeom, crs=proj4, index=index) return qdf def poly2grid(gdf, gdattrs): """ Arguments --------- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Data to create fractional area overlap. gdattrs : dict Attributes of IOAPI grid Returns ------- oldf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Overlap of gdf with grid """ import geopandas as gpd import warnings qdf = grid2poly(gdattrs) if is None: warnings.warn('No CRS provided; assuming input is EPSG:4326') = 4326 gqdf = gdf.to_crs( oldf = gpd.overlay(qdf.reset_index(), gqdf) oldf['area_overlap'] = oldf['geometry'].area return oldf def poly2ioapi(gdf, gdattrs, how='mean'): import numpy as np import pandas as pd ol = poly2grid(gdf, gdattrs) df = getattr(ol.groupby(['ROW', 'COL']), how)(numeric_only=True) ds = df.to_xarray() outds = ds.interp( COL=np.arange(gdattrs['NCOLS']) + 0.5, ROW=np.arange(gdattrs['NROWS']) + 0.5 ).expand_dims( TSTEP=1, LAY=1 ) outds.coords['TSTEP'] = pd.to_datetime(['1970-01-01 00:00:00Z']).values outds.coords['LAY'] = np.array([1]) outkeys = list(outds.data_vars) for k in outkeys: outds[k].attrs.update( long_name=k.ljust(16), var_desc=k.ljust(80), units='unknown'.ljust(16) ) outds.attrs['NVARS'] = len(outkeys) outds.attrs['VAR-LIST'] = ''.join([k.ljust(16) for k in outkeys]) outds.attrs.update(gdattrs) return outds