Pairing CMAQ with AirNow Ozone

This example performs a simple comparison of CMAQ to AirNow for ozone.

  • LAY = 0.9987
  • plot cmaqairnow
|       |      ozone |       CMAQ_O3 |
| count | 29089      | 30024         |
| mean  |    33.4526 |    32.9829    |
| std   |    16.2011 |    14.3848    |
| min   |     0      |     0.0621035 |
| 25%   |    22      |    22.3072    |
| 50%   |    33      |    31.535     |
| 75%   |    44      |    42.4275    |
| max   |   113      |   282.538     |
| r     |     1      |     0.77156   |
| mb    |     0      |    -0.469692  |
| nmb   |     0      |    -0.0140405 |
| fmb   |     0      |    -0.0141398 |
| ioa   |     1      |     0.872455  |

import pyrsig
import pycno

cmaqkey = 'cmaq.equates.conus.aconc.O3'
datakey = 'airnow.ozone'

api = pyrsig.RsigApi()

# Return CMAQ for default bbox (-126, 24, -66, -50) for a single day
ds = api.to_ioapi(cmaqkey, bdate='2018-07-01')

# pair_rsigcmaq will match the bbox, bdate, and edate from the CMAQ dataset.
df = pyrsig.cmaq.pair_rsigcmaq(ds, 'O3', datakey)
# Or, use persist=True to save pairing to disk and return output path instead.
# import pandas as pd
# outpath = pyrsig.cmaq.pair_rsigcmaq(ds, 'O3', datakey, persist=True)
# df = pd.read_csv(outpath)

# Calculate stats table with common quantile, correlation, and bias metrics
statsdf = pyrsig.utils.quickstats(df[['ozone', 'CMAQ_O3']], 'ozone')
# Print them for the user to review.

dds = ds['O3'].mean('TSTEP')
ddf = df.groupby(['x', 'y'], as_index=False).mean(numeric_only=True)

qm = dds.plot()
    ddf.x, ddf.y, c=ddf.ozone, norm=qm.norm, cmap=qm.cmap, edgecolor='w'

vmax = df[['ozone', 'CMAQ_O3']].max().max()
ax = df.plot.hexbin(x='ozone', y='CMAQ_O3', mincnt=1, extent=(0, vmax, 0, vmax))
ax.set(xlabel='Obs Ozone [ppb]', ylabel='CMAQ [ppb]', facecolor='gainsboro')
ax.axline((0, 0), slope=1, label='1:1')

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 20.835 seconds)

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