GEOS-Chem Benchmark LBC for CMAQ

This example shows how to use aqmbc with GEOS-Chem’s publicly available benchmark outputs.

  • Dowload from Harvard (if not previously downloaded).

  • Define translations.

  • Extract, translate, and create time-independent files.

  • Display figures and statistics.

Time-independence allows files to be used in CMAQ with multiple dates in the same month, or as a climatology for other years.

from os.path import basename, exists
import aqmbc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests
import tarfile

Download from Harvard

inpaths = [
if any([not exists(p) for p in inpaths]):
    # Download 7G tar file
    rurl = ''
    url = f'{rurl}/14.0.0-rc.0/GCClassic/FullChem/OutputDir.tar.gz'
    dest = basename(url)
    if not exists(dest):
        with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r:
            with open(dest, 'wb') as f:
                for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024*1024):
        print('Using cached OutputDir.tar.gz')

    # Unzip only files that will be used.
    tf =
    for memb in tf.getmembers():
        if memb.path in inpaths:
            if not exists(memb.path):
                print('Using cached', memb.path)

Define Chemical Translation

Using gcbench14_o3so4, which only uses ozone and sulfate aerosols. To expand, select from expressions available gc14 expressions and modify them: 1. Typically used with BoundaryConditions (prefix SpeciesBC_), which requires

updating for SpeciesConc (prefix SpeciesConc_).

  1. Output does not have pressure (surface or mid) or temperature variables. For simplicity, we use a US standard atmosphere as a surrogate.

exprpaths = aqmbc.exprlib.exprpaths([
    #                                                      # for a full run,
    'gcbench14_o3so4.expr'                                 # 1. comment this
    # 'gcnc_usstd_airmolden.expr', 'gc14_to_cb6r5.expr',   # 2. uncomment this
    # 'gc14_to_cb6mp.expr', 'gc14_soas_to_ae7.expr'        # 3. uncomment this
], prefix='gc')

#                                                          # 4. uncomment these
# import os
# os.makedirs('tempdef', exist_ok=True)
# exprpaths = list(exprpaths)
# for i, path in enumerate(exprpaths):
#     with open(path, 'r') as inf:
#         txt =
#     outpath = os.path.join('tempdef', basename(path))
#     with open(outpath, 'w') as outf:
#         outf.write(txt.replace('SpeciesBC_', 'SpeciesConc_'))
#     exprpaths[i] = outpath

Tranlate Files and Make Time-independent

gdnam = '12US1'
gcdims = aqmbc.options.dims['gc']
suffix = f'_{gdnam}'
metaf = aqmbc.options.getmetaf(bctype='bcon', gdnam=gdnam, vgnam='EPA_35L')
# For "real" VGLVLS use
# METBDYD_PATH = '...'
# metaf = pnc.pncopen(METCRO3D_PATH, format='ioapi')

bcpaths = []
for inpath in inpaths:
    print(inpath, flush=True)
    outpath = basename(inpath).replace('.nc4', suffix)
    history = f'From {outpath}'
    outf = aqmbc.bc(
        inpath, outpath, metaf, vmethod='linear', exprpaths=exprpaths,
        dimkeys=gcdims, format_kw={'format': 'gcnc'}, history=history,
        clobber=True, verbose=0, timeindependent=True


Figures and Statistics

vprof =
statdf =

Plot Vertical Profiles

fig =
fig.suptitle('GEOS-Chem v14 Boundary Conditions for CMAQ')

Plot Normalized Means

fig =

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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