Hemispheric CMAQ LBC for CMAQ

This example shows how to use aqmbc with a synthetic Hemispheric CMAQ.

  • Create synthetic exmaple files.

  • Extract assuming no translation (same gas and aerosols as target).

  • Display figures and statistics.

from os.path import basename
import aqmbc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Create Fake Hemispheric CMAQ Files

inpaths = [
tmpf = aqmbc.options.getmetaf(
    bctype='icon', gdnam='5940NHEMI2', vgnam='EPA_44L'
keys = ['O3', 'ASO4I', 'ASO4J']
for k in keys:
    v = tmpf.createVariable(k, 'f', ('TSTEP', 'LAY', 'ROW', 'COL'))
    v.setncatts(dict(long_name=k.ljust(16), var_desc=k.ljust(80)))

tmpf.variables['ASO4I'].units = 'micrograms/m**3'.ljust(16)
tmpf.variables['ASO4J'].units = 'micrograms/m**3'.ljust(16)
tmpf.variables['O3'].units = 'ppmV'.ljust(16)
tgtx = np.log(tmpf.VGLVLS[1:])
o3vals = np.interp(tgtx, np.log([.01, .2, .3, 1]), [1, .1, .06, .04])
so4vals = np.interp(tgtx, np.log([.01, .2, .6, .9, 1]), [.06, .06, 0.2, 1, 1])
for i, (inpath, factor) in enumerate(zip(inpaths, [1, .9])):
    tmpf.variables['O3'][:] = o3vals[None, :, None, None] * factor
    tmpf.variables['ASO4I'][:] = so4vals[None, :, None, None] * 0.01 * factor
    tmpf.variables['ASO4J'][:] = so4vals[None, :, None, None] * 0.99 * factor
    tmpf.subset(keys).save(inpath, format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC', verbose=0).close()

Tranlate Files and Make Time-independent

gdnam = '12US1'
suffix = f'_{gdnam}_BCON.nc'
metaf = aqmbc.options.getmetaf(bctype='bcon', gdnam=gdnam, vgnam='EPA_35L')
# For "real" VGLVLS use
# METBDYD_PATH = '...'
# metaf = pnc.pncopen(METCRO3D_PATH, format='ioapi')

bcpaths = []
for inpath in inpaths:
    print(inpath, flush=True)
    outpath = basename(inpath).replace('.nc4', suffix)
    history = f'From {outpath}'
    outf = aqmbc.bc(
        inpath, outpath, metaf, vmethod='linear',
        exprpaths=[], format_kw={'format': 'ioapi'}, history=history,
        clobber=True, verbose=0
    if outf is not None:
        # if not already archived


Figures and Statistics

vprof = aqmbc.report.get_vertprof(bcpaths)
statdf = aqmbc.report.getstats(bcpaths)
sumdf = aqmbc.report.summarize(statdf)

Plot Verical Profiles

v1 = vprof['O3'] * 1000
v2 = vprof['ASO4I'] + vprof['ASO4J']
v2.attrs['long_name'] = 'ASO4IJ'

fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(18, 6), dpi=72, sharey=True)
cmap = plt.cm.hsv
nt = v1.sizes['TSTEP']
for ti, t in enumerate(v1.TSTEP):
    label = inpaths[ti].split('_')[0].split('.')[-1][:-2]
    ax0.plot(v1.sel(TSTEP=t), v1.LAY, label=label, color=cmap(ti / nt))
    ax1.plot(v2.sel(TSTEP=t), v2.LAY, label=label, color=cmap(ti / nt))

    xscale='log', xlabel='{long_name} [{units}]'.format(**v1.attrs),
    xlim=(None, 100), ylabel='VGLVLS [$(p - p_t) / (p_s - p_t)$]', ylim=(1, 0))
ax1.set(xscale='log', xlabel='{long_name} [{units}]'.format(**v2.attrs))
fig.suptitle('Fake Hemispheric CMAQ Boundary Conditions for CMAQ')

Plot Normalized Means

gasds = sumdf.query('unit == "ppmV"').xs('Overall')['median']
pmds = sumdf.query('unit == "micrograms/m**3"').xs('Overall')['median']

fig, (gax, pax) = plt.subplots(
    2, 1, figsize=(18, 8), dpi=72, gridspec_kw=dict(hspace=.8, bottom=0.15)
aqmbc.report.barplot(gasds.sort_values(), bar_kw=dict(ax=gax))
aqmbc.report.barplot(pmds.sort_values(), bar_kw=dict(ax=pax))

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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