Go to the end to download the full example code
Hemispheric CMAQ LBC for CMAQ
This example shows how to use aqmbc with a synthetic Hemispheric CMAQ.
Create synthetic exmaple files.
Extract assuming no translation (same gas and aerosols as target).
Display figures and statistics.
from os.path import basename
import aqmbc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Create Fake Hemispheric CMAQ Files
inpaths = [
tmpf = aqmbc.options.getmetaf(
bctype='icon', gdnam='5940NHEMI2', vgnam='EPA_44L'
keys = ['O3', 'ASO4I', 'ASO4J']
for k in keys:
v = tmpf.createVariable(k, 'f', ('TSTEP', 'LAY', 'ROW', 'COL'))
v.setncatts(dict(long_name=k.ljust(16), var_desc=k.ljust(80)))
tmpf.variables['ASO4I'].units = 'micrograms/m**3'.ljust(16)
tmpf.variables['ASO4J'].units = 'micrograms/m**3'.ljust(16)
tmpf.variables['O3'].units = 'ppmV'.ljust(16)
tgtx = np.log(tmpf.VGLVLS[1:])
o3vals = np.interp(tgtx, np.log([.01, .2, .3, 1]), [1, .1, .06, .04])
so4vals = np.interp(tgtx, np.log([.01, .2, .6, .9, 1]), [.06, .06, 0.2, 1, 1])
for i, (inpath, factor) in enumerate(zip(inpaths, [1, .9])):
tmpf.variables['O3'][:] = o3vals[None, :, None, None] * factor
tmpf.variables['ASO4I'][:] = so4vals[None, :, None, None] * 0.01 * factor
tmpf.variables['ASO4J'][:] = so4vals[None, :, None, None] * 0.99 * factor
tmpf.subset(keys).save(inpath, format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC', verbose=0).close()
Tranlate Files and Make Time-independent
gdnam = '12US1'
suffix = f'_{gdnam}'
metaf = aqmbc.options.getmetaf(bctype='bcon', gdnam=gdnam, vgnam='EPA_35L')
# For "real" VGLVLS use
# METBDYD_PATH = '...'
# metaf = pnc.pncopen(METCRO3D_PATH, format='ioapi')
bcpaths = []
for inpath in inpaths:
print(inpath, flush=True)
outpath = basename(inpath).replace('.nc4', suffix)
history = f'From {outpath}'
outf = aqmbc.bc(
inpath, outpath, metaf, vmethod='linear',
exprpaths=[], format_kw={'format': 'ioapi'}, history=history,
clobber=True, verbose=0
if outf is not None:
# if not already archived
Figures and Statistics
vprof =
statdf =
Visualize Vertical Profiles
fig =
fig.suptitle('Fake Hemispheric CMAQ Boundary Conditions for CMAQ')
Barplot of Concentrations
fig =
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)